CHASNZ Webinar to feature SaferMe's psychosocial solution

17 March 2023 · SaferMe team

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CHASNZ is hosting a webinar on March 30th to feature SaferMe's innovation work in developing a new psychosocial risk management solution for businesses.

The solution - Safety Snap - is a science-based tool that gathers data about the psychological and social factors impacting workers. The solution has been developed with the backing of ACC via its Workplace Injury Prevention innovation programme.

All of the factors monitored in Safety Snap are proven, when present, to increase the risk of accident and injury; wellbeing problems; as well as absenteeism and worker churn. 

The tool is designed to be easy for workers: It takes just 10-seconds per day to contribute; it's done anonymously and it is translated into any language required.

On the webinar SaferMe science lead Dr Steve Cantwell will join co-founder Mike Steere and CHASNZ's Chris Alderson and Jon Harper-Slade to discuss the research and development of the tool; to share some valuable findings from early pilot data (construction industry), and show how businesses can start their own project.

You can register for the webinar via this link

SaferMe is working in collaboration with CHASNZ and Civil Contractors NZ on this project.

For more information about the Safety Snap product or to book a free demo for you or your team, visit: 

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