Are you looking for toolbox talk ideas for your next safety meeting? You're in the right place! We've put together a list of 101 toolbox talk ideas to inspire you.
Background.... What is a toolbox talk?
Toolbox talks are a quick and informal way for managers to share safety concerns with their team. They're a great way to supplement the detailed safety training you should already be doing.
These short chats give everyone the opportunity to discuss any workplace hazards, risks, incidents or safety issues they may have encountered.
They also give you space to talk about other safety topics that are of concern in your work environment.
By discussing these toolbox talk ideas, you help prevent future accidents from occurring.
101 Toolbox talk ideas for your business.
Our team of health and safety experts are adding to this list all the time.
Want to see more detailed toobox talk topics ideas? Check out our toolbox talk topic generator.
Let's get into it!
- Accident Prevention
- Accident Reporting
- Air Quality
- Alcohol Consumption
- Angle Grinder Safety
- Asbestos
- Back Safety
- Bug and Insect Protection
- Combustible materials
- Confined Space
- Control of Hazardous Substances
- Cost of accidents
- Dangerous occurances/Notifiable events
- Defensive Driving
- Demolition
- Diabetes
- Display screen equipment
- Disposable Respirators and COVID-19
- Distracted Driving
- Drugs at work
- Dust
- Earthquakes
- Electrical Safety
- Elevator Shaft and Open Holes
- Emergency Preparedness - Pandemic
- Equipment, Machine and Tool Guards
- Ergonomics at work
- Evacuation procedures
- Excavation
- Eye Strain
- Eye protection
- Fall protection Anchor Systems
- Fatigue Management
- Fire Extinguishers
- Fire prevention
- First Aid
- Footware
- Forklifts
- Frostbite
- Gas Safety
- Guard Rails
- Hand Tool Safety
- Hand protection
- Hazard Assessment
- Head Protection
- Hearing protection
- Hoisting Signals
- Home office egonomics
- Housekeeping
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- Inert Gases
- Ladder safety
- Lead
- Leg safety
- Legionella
- Lighting Conditions
- Lone Working
- Method Statement
- Mind on safety
- Mould and Mildew
- Near misses
- Noise exposure
- Permits To Work
- Personal Care and Conduct
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Power Line Safety
- Presenteeism
- Protecting the Public
- Rebar and Impalement Hazards
- Refuelling
- Respiratory Protection
- Rights and repsonsibilities
- Risk Assessment
- Roof Work
- Safe Use of Power Tools
- Safety Culture
- Safety Nets
- Safety Signs
- Scaffold Safety
- Sharp objects
- Silica Dust Exposure
- Site Access and Egress
- Skip Loaders
- Slips, Trips, and Falls
- Social Distancing
- Stress
- Stretching
- Summer Weather Hazards
- Temporary Heating
- Temporary Stairs and Handrails
- Traffic control
- Trailer Towing
- Tyre Safety
- Underground Utilities
- Welder’s Flash
- Winter Site Safety
- Work refusal
- Working from home
- Workplace Complacency
- Youth in Construction
- Zero harm
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