ACC Personal Worker Safety Innovation Project

A foundational piece of work in our Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) backed Workplace Injury Prevention innovation project has been our research into the key factors that contribute to elevated risk for workplace injuries.

This work, conducted through late 2021 and early 2022 involved:

  • A thorough review of international scientific literature about psychosocial factors behind musculoskeletal (sprain and strain) injuries in the workplace, led by a University of Waikato PhD researcher from a related field.

  • Consultation with experts and practitioners in occupational health, health and safety, physiotherapy, and human factors research

  • Engagement with key industry organisations

  • A review of industry specific injury statistics in New Zealand

  • A survey of New Zealand construction businesses to validate the findings of the research in real-world settings

SaferMe's Research Lead

Steve Cantwell, has a PhD in Applied Cognitive Psychology from the University of Waikato. He has previously worked in the field of risk perception of drivers, and  brings strong experience in the fields of psychometrics and statistical analysis.

SaferMe / ACC Project Research Thumbnail

In order to support industry and other innovative actors in the safety field, we’re publishing the research free to everyone, so the key lessons and takeaways from this work can have immediate benefit to industry.

Here you can download the full literary review of research indicating key risk factors in workplace injuries.

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