Eye Strain toolbox talk

A simple, 5 minute outline of what to cover in a toolbox talk on Eye Strain .

Eye strain happens when your eyes get tired from intense use. Examples of activities that can cause eye strain are driving for long periods, working in low light, glare from computer screens, or sun glare from vehicle windscreens or the road conditions.

Why run an Eye Strain Toolbox Talk?

  • Know what eye strain is 
  • Know the signs for eye strain
  • Ways to avoid eye strain
  • Ways to relieve eye strain

Signs of eye strain 

  • Headache
  • Problems with focusing
  • Red, watery, irritated eyes
  • Inability to keep eyes open
  • Heavy eyes
  • Muscle spasms of the eye or eyelid

How to Avoid Eye Strain

  • Schedule periodic rest breaks
  • Shift your focus – e.g. look out the window or focus on something else such as checking your mirrors
  • Keep eyes moist – blink or use synthetic tears
  • Adjust your screen settings – brightness, contrast, height, and distance
  • Add antiglare covers to screens if appropriate
  • Maintain good neck and shoulder posture
  • Stretch regularly
  • Use task specific glasses
  • Adjust the lighting in the work environment e.g. turn off some lights, raise or lower blinds, and use filters to diffuse overhead lighting

Ways To Relieve Eye Strain

  • Rest your eyes
  • Change your work environment to reduce reflections, glare, bright light, and low lighting
  • Get your eyes tested every 1-2 years by an optometrist or eye specialist as you may need to update your lenses
  • Eye specialists recommend the “20-20-20 rule” 

Key takeaways:

  • Your eyes are important for your work
  • Get them checked regularly
  • Remember to give them a break
  • Apply the 20-20-20 rule

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